All is good in Grandma’s world. Each day since Kaden was born has been a flow of pictures and videos of Mamie’s little love. It is a time in life were you wish you could hit the “snooze button moment” so that it would stay there for a while longer. Amy and Dusty are such good parents and it tickles me to see the change of their life, duties , and the over all schedule of daily time.
Kroger is still keeping me busy. I love the Nutrition department because of the variety of duties required. Never bored. I checked out the other day and one of the kids checking asked me if I was an undercover boss! I cracked up. If only I was…..there would be some changes. Being in the back of the store you see it all. I was buying three cases of bottled water. One kid asked me where’s the wine? I laughed and said oh, today I decided to surprise my liver. Besides, I only drink to make other people interesting. It’s been six months since I was hired and I didn’t realize how much these kids love to communicate with me. Lots of Texas A&M students and other small colleges around the area. Many times I have to ask them what they are talking about…computer classes, PHD in engineering conversations and so on. I just ask that they respect me having graduated from college without the internet!
God has sure shown the beauty of summer here on the acreage. The vegetables are over abundant, the various shades of green, and the beautiful colors of the different flowers. I so enjoy sitting on the back porch reading, sipping a glass of wine, and thanking the good Lord for all the beauty to make up for the horrible goings on that people are pulling in this world. I pray for peace and love.
Lani will be coming in to visit within the next couple of weeks. She can’t wait to see Kaden and I can’t wait to see her. I hope the weather stays nice for her visit. Of course a little cooler or at least a small breeze would be ideal. It’s not so bad here under the trees and we do get a nice breeze on most days.
So…take care. Keep cool…and stay out of trouble, as boring as that can be. You know right from wrong…but you also know that wrong is a lot more fun.