Category Archives: Monday Update

Safe and Sound

Would like to start off by thanking everyone for the prayers to get back to Houston safe after a very interesting vacation week.  If you follow me on Facebook you know that Bill and I went to visit Lani and … Continue reading

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Prayer Warrior Alert!

OK….finally sitting down for about a month catch up.  Time has gone by so fast and things have gotten so busy it’s hard to know if I’m coming or going.  Work has set the tempo of a mad woman.  So … Continue reading

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Update On Life

What an interesting turn of events.  I am so blessed to have transferred to my new store.  Not only is it a lot closer to our house but it was a major boost in morale. The store had it’s Grand … Continue reading

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A New Family

Hi everyone!  It’s been over a month and I apologize.  I was transferred to  a new store, that is much closer to my house, and I am enjoying the very short commute.  I am the wine consultant two days a … Continue reading

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Hello everyone.  So much has happened in the last couple of weeks…so let us get to it! We took a nice trip to Las Vegas for a few days and had a really great get-away.  Sold some books and enjoyed … Continue reading

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Settling Down

It has been a busy couple of weeks.  After returning from Shreveport, book selling and pleasure combined, it was back to work and back to a hectic schedule.  Returned to town on Monday, went back to work Tuesday, got to … Continue reading

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Who Whines The Most?

God said women will suffer in childbirth because of Adam and Eve’s deal with the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.  However, I think God left out one important point.  Women will suffer when taking their man to the … Continue reading

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No Shame In My Game!

I know…it’s about time.  Been a little busy lately.  But back to inform all on the happenings.  And believe me they go from the normal to the bazaar.  So here we go. First, the update on the family.  Cleopatra, our … Continue reading

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Still Here! Again!

I am so sorry for being absent from the blog for so long.  Many things on the plate…too many things on the plate.  As you know, I was in the hospital over Thanksgiving.  Christmas came and went without incident…thank goodness.  … Continue reading

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Back To Work!

After being off over two weeks….it was actually felt good to get back to work.  After the health scare and hospital stay, Lani arrived from South Carolina.  We had a blast.  Daughter two…Amy….and I picked her up from the airport.  … Continue reading

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